Monday, October 22, 2012

Photo Diary Austin

Always a good time at the Austin AIDS Walk!

Rebecca Havemeyer has hotter legs than me

You can still help me raise money visit

This past weekend I spent the day in Austin, TX and boy was it weird. But of course every time I saw a guy riding a horse downtown, a group of people dressed in Star Wars costumes, a recently tatted shirtless couple, and two guys with beards down to their knees, I didn't have my camera. Here are a few favorites from the shots that I did take at the Austin AIDS Walk and Senior Artist Keri B's Master Class at MAC Domain. 

Senior Artist Keri B, makeup and nail art extraordinaire

She's a head shot makeup genius

Monday, October 15, 2012

50% vintage

Dressing on a budget is no easy feat. I'm finally getting used to this real world budgeting thing. These days I'd rather splurge on organic veggie chips, boar's head turkey, Starbucks, and decorative pillows than purchase clothes I can't wear to work. Gosh, I'm getting old. 

In efforts to save a buck for my much needed expenses I have developed a habit of wearing outfits that are 50% cheaply vintage (or purchased at Marshalls, Ross or TJ Maxx). This way I can find creative ways of mixing and matching amazing pieces I already own, don't feel guilty about purchasing a pricey but worth while basic, and can incorporate cheap accessories or trendy staples. 

Necklace from a local thrift store, $20

Nothing like a pair of short motorcycle boots to dress down a dress
But why do heels always look so much better?
Black and beige are literally my favorite colors, I'm wild I know

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When I'm Not Working...

...Or road tripping, I find myself hanging out at my local coffee shop, splurging on over priced candles from Bath & Body Works (black pepper bergamot is my favorite fall scent), pampering myself with a mani/pedi, and reading all of the books I meant to read during college
Currently reading The Four Agreements
OPI Thrill of Brazil is my signature red, perfect for every season
So zen