Sunday, December 30, 2012

Peace on Earth

Without a doubt my favorite ornament this Christmas
Burlap table cloth turned tree skirt
Not too shabby for my first tree
It's finally chunky sweater weather!!!!
Nothing like a pair of leather pants to dress up an old turtle-neck
The diamond earrings help too
Used my left over Christmas tree ornaments for our table center piece

It's starting to feel a lot more like Winter here in Texas. 'Tis the season for wool mittens, fuzzy scarves, chunky sweaters, electric blankets, hot coco, burgundy lipstick, snuggling, and when it's really cold I might even sleep in my socks. Who knows how long this 30 degree weather will last. In the meantime I will be making the most of this below freezing temperature. I'm the girl running around in twelve layers underneath my ski coat waiting for it to snow. 

To all those reading, may you be blessed this New Year!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thanksgiving Brights

My apologies in advance; I'm too tired to put together any form of inspirational paragraph. The real world and an upper respiratory infection has gotten the best of me these past few days. I will say there is something exhilarating about sharing your feelings with the world when your on Hydrocodine. 

 These are a just few of my favorite things I experienced this Thanksgiving holiday. It all started when I began cleaning my apartment. I just couldn't stop. My inner Martha took over and before I knew it my base boards were bleach clean and I was reading home and garden looking for ideas for our Thanksgiving center piece.Then for fun I found a cool new way to create art with nails and thread. I'm still an adventurist. I promise. (after three glasses of wine I worked up the courage to snape my drain, good times.)  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Common Ground

When in doubt black and white

Common Grounds, where hipsters get their coffee
Everyone needs a piece of country western in their closet

Love this shabby patio decor 
This is my Bible to Management, seriously everyone in business should read this
It's November and work has never been busier, oh the joys of working retail. In effort to not loose my mind this holiday season I am committed to keeping my life s i m p l e.

s.stay healthy- take my vitamins everyday and drink plenty of water a hurry- rock a high bun, big earrings and black on black
m.make a family group text- I can keep in touch with everyone with the push of a button
p.pamper myself- take more bubble baths and get a mani/pedi when the budget allows
l.learn something new everyday- turn on Real Housewives of ATL and take notes on NeNe's fabulousness
e.energize- load up on espresso or other forms of caffeine all day every day

Monday, November 5, 2012

Where did October go?

Weather update: Yes, it is still 90 degrees here in Texas. 
Thanks to Twitter I discovered this new hipster coffee shop off Elm St.
My beautiful sister rocking the high bun
Fancy fashion magazines from Barnes and Noble, love

Halloween makeup I whipped up for one my beautiful friends

Monday, October 22, 2012

Photo Diary Austin

Always a good time at the Austin AIDS Walk!

Rebecca Havemeyer has hotter legs than me

You can still help me raise money visit

This past weekend I spent the day in Austin, TX and boy was it weird. But of course every time I saw a guy riding a horse downtown, a group of people dressed in Star Wars costumes, a recently tatted shirtless couple, and two guys with beards down to their knees, I didn't have my camera. Here are a few favorites from the shots that I did take at the Austin AIDS Walk and Senior Artist Keri B's Master Class at MAC Domain. 

Senior Artist Keri B, makeup and nail art extraordinaire

She's a head shot makeup genius

Monday, October 15, 2012

50% vintage

Dressing on a budget is no easy feat. I'm finally getting used to this real world budgeting thing. These days I'd rather splurge on organic veggie chips, boar's head turkey, Starbucks, and decorative pillows than purchase clothes I can't wear to work. Gosh, I'm getting old. 

In efforts to save a buck for my much needed expenses I have developed a habit of wearing outfits that are 50% cheaply vintage (or purchased at Marshalls, Ross or TJ Maxx). This way I can find creative ways of mixing and matching amazing pieces I already own, don't feel guilty about purchasing a pricey but worth while basic, and can incorporate cheap accessories or trendy staples. 

Necklace from a local thrift store, $20

Nothing like a pair of short motorcycle boots to dress down a dress
But why do heels always look so much better?
Black and beige are literally my favorite colors, I'm wild I know

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When I'm Not Working...

...Or road tripping, I find myself hanging out at my local coffee shop, splurging on over priced candles from Bath & Body Works (black pepper bergamot is my favorite fall scent), pampering myself with a mani/pedi, and reading all of the books I meant to read during college
Currently reading The Four Agreements
OPI Thrill of Brazil is my signature red, perfect for every season
So zen